Enquiries come from education, CAMHS and social care professionals. Parents and carers also sometimes enquire directly.
Referrals come from education, health and social care. Sometimes referrals are single agency but often children are often referred from multi-agency panels.
Children who attend the Gloucester House have combined health and education needs. Often there will have been complex histories or difficult events that have made school and home life challenging. Many families will have been involved with a range of services.
How do we work with referrals and enquiries?
- Many professionals and families visit at the enquiry stage to establish whether Gloucester House is an appropriate place for their child.
- We accept referrals with a referral letter. This is often accompanied by an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP). However, for the referral to be processed we would need to know that funding (in principle) has been agreed.
- Enquiries and referrals are considered by our referral panel and if appropriate an assessment is begun.
- The initial assessment involves a series of meetings with families and professionals by two members of the referral panel called the “assessing pair”. It may also include a home visit by education staff and or visits to the child’s current educational placement.
- If all parties agree that Gloucester House would be a helpful placement, a start date and staggered integration is agreed. At the professionals meeting, the plan for the initial assessment period will be outlined and the future hopes from the network and the family explored. A date set for the first review meeting. The families will be allocated a case coordinator who has overall responsibility of coordinating the integrated education health and care plan and linking with the family, child and professional network.
- During this initial period (usually 6-10 weeks) formal and informal academic and clinical assessments will be undertaken. This will conclude in a formulation and proposed integrated care plan.
Referral form
Admissions process
If a child is accepted they will usually attend initially on a staggered timetable, increasing to full time (except Tuesday mornings) over a period of about three weeks.
At the end of the assessment period there is a first review meeting. The Gloucester House integrated education, health and care plan is agreed ; targets are set and shared related to their education and behaviour; goals and tasks are set for the next review; initial assessments are shared.
Following this the child/family enters into the ongoing assessment and review cycle of Gloucester House.
Planning, length of stay and discharge
Gloucester House can be a shorter or longer term placement for children and young people. The needs of the child and their family are kept under review with the network – on a regular basis- and decisions are made in the best interest of the child and their family in partnership with the family and the network. Children leave Gloucester House when they are ready to take the next step, and when it is clear where they are moving on to.
The involvement of the outside network in this process is sought from the first stages of any referral. This is formalised through regular review meetings to which the child’s parents/carers and members of the professional network are invited. These are held termly or six monthly and include the annual review of statement of educational need. Comprehensive written reports provide an update on an individual child’s progress and set out recommendations for future directions of treatment and provision.
What happens at the end of a placement?
We help with the transition from Gloucester House to new placements through liaison with the next providers of education and healthcare. We are instrumental and proactive in how we support and guide the transition out of Gloucester House as it is always a big step. Supporting the transition may include direct support in the new placement, support to key strategic professionals in education, health and social care and support to the child and family.
We can offer a follow-up service where specific aspects of the package (e.g. therapy) can continue after the child has left Gloucester House.
If you would like some information about costings please contact the school office.